Host Miranda Pacchiana, MSW talks about the aftermath of trauma from several perspectives–as a sexual abuse survivor, personal coach, and resident of Sandy Hook, Connecticut, site of the 2012 school shooting. The podcast will offer information, compassion, and hope to trauma survivors, emphasizing the ways we grow when we face our truth, take care of ourselves, and become stronger, better people in the process.
Miranda describes The Second Wound, a website and social media platform she created to support sexual violence survivors and others who experience painful backlash, including victim-blaming, rejection, and minimization of their trauma. Finally, she also shares personal anecdotes about the hardest year in her healing process, and a touching celebration of her “chosen family”.
Find the Truth & Consequences Facebook page, Instagram & Twitter accounts. Find the Second Wound website, Facebook page, Instagram & Twitter accounts. Learn about personal coaching with host Miranda Pacchiana, MSW on the Second Wound website coaching page.

Miranda Pacchiana, MSW is a writer, podcast host, and survivor whose work has been featured in The Huffington Post, The Mighty, Psych Central, Elephant Journal, Trigger Points Anthology, and others. She writes about a variety of subjects including recovery from abuse, family estrangement, parenting and grief. She has spent over two decades addressing and examining family responses to the disclosure of child sexual abuse and she is the creator of the online resource The Second Wound: Coping with family while healing from abuse & assault which can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the website Miranda is a married mother of three and a stubborn optimist. She works and lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.